Milo is the current champion of mLotro.
Format: Shadows Standard
Duration: 2024-11-16 - 2024-12-06
Players: 11
Free basic cards: Yes
Place | Player | Score |
1 | Milo | 13.53 |
2 | Dragonian | 13.44 |
3 | NathanMcBride | 13.49 |
4 | Homie | 11.55 |
5 | Moro | 11.53 |
6 | Flyingmatthew | 11.42 |
7 | sperzdechly | 9.59 |
8 | shadowhunt | 9.53 |
9 | Kajetanek | 9.40 |
10 | morvael | 9.38 |
11 | eogen | 7.40 |
1x 11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
1x 11S234 Crags of Emyn Muil
1x 11S228 Anduin Confluence
1x 11S238 Expanding Marshland
1x 11S249 Neekerbreekers' Bog
1x 11S231 Caras Galadhon
1x 11S263 West Gate of Moria
1x 11U244 Heights of Isengard
1x 11S250 North Undeep
1x 11S255 Pinnacle of Zirakzigil
3x 1U70 Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor
1x 6U25 Crack Into Rubble
1x 3C30 Deep in Thought
1x 6R28 Ent Horde
1x 11R30 Erland, Dale Counselor
4x 11S32 G for Grand
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 2R22 Gandalf's Staff
1x 0P56 Ghân-buri-Ghân, Chieftain of the Woses
1x 11R35 Glamdring, Foe-hammer
1x 5R19 Lindenroot, Elder Shepherd
1x 3R34 Narya
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
1x 4U99 Roll of Thunder
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
4x 1R83 Servant of the Secret Fire
1x 6R35 Skinbark, Fladrif
2x 7R50 Terrible and Evil
1x 10R18 Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood
1x 7U93 Footman's Armor
1x 9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
3x 4C5 Burn Every Village
4x 6C2 Dunlending Elder
4x 9R+2 Freca, Hungry Savage
4x 4R19 Hides
4x 4C25 Hillman Tribe
3x 4U31 Over the Isen
3x 6R7 Ready to Fall
3x 4R33 Saruman, Rabble-rouser
4x 4U36 War Club
1x 11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
1x 11S236 East Road
1x 11S239 Fangorn Glade
1x 11S241 Fortress of Orthanc
1x 11S232 Cavern Entrance
1x 11S259 Stables
1x 11S263 West Gate of Moria
1x 11S243 Harrowdale
1x 11U244 Heights of Isengard
1x 11S260 Trollshaw Forest
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 11R35 Glamdring, Foe-hammer
1x 4R94 Hearken to Me
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
1x 9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
1x 9R+34 Narsil, Blade of the Faithful
1x 9R36 Scroll of Isildur
1x 4U263 Brego
1x 7C222 Déor
1x 0P59 Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold
1x 4R274 Firefoot
1x 11R147 Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg
1x 7R236 Herugrim, Sword of the Mark
2x 4C287 Rider's Mount
3x 4C288 Rider's Spear
1x 11R154 Riders of the Mark
1x 8R91 Rohirrim Army
4x 7C248 Rohirrim Javelin
4x 4R289 Simbelmynë
1x 8R92 Théoden, Tall and Proud
1x 6C97 We Left None Alive
1x 4R267 Éomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark
1x 4U268 Éomer's Spear
1x 7R228 Éowyn, Dernhelm
3x 10R75 Advance Captain
4x 10C76 Advance Marauder
4x 10C77 Advance Regular
4x 10U78 Advance Scout
1x 5R95 Dead Marshes
2x 10C85 Flames Within
3x 5R100 Grishnákh, Orc Captain
1x 8R103 Grond, Hammer of the Underworld
2x 9R+47 Ithil Stone
4x 1R263 Orc Banner
3x 5U104 Orc Cutthroat
2x 5U107 Orc Patrol
2x 10U96 Rank and File
1x 4R1 The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles
1x 11S230 Buckland Homestead
1x 11S266 Woody-End
1x 11S249 Neekerbreekers' Bog
1x 11S254 Pelennor Flat
1x 11S258 Slag Mounds
1x 11S252 Osgiliath Reclaimed
1x 11U244 Heights of Isengard
1x 11S250 North Undeep
1x 11S261 Valley of the Silverlode
3x 1R87 A Wizard Is Never Late
4x 6U24 Boomed and Trumpeted
1x 6U25 Crack Into Rubble
2x 6R26 Enraged
2x 9R24 Ent Draught
2x 6R28 Ent Horde
3x 6C29 Ent Moot
2x 6U32 Host of Fangorn
1x 6C33 Quickbeam, Bregalad
3x 6R35 Skinbark, Fladrif
2x 10R18 Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood
1x 11U163 Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish
1x 4R301 Frodo, Courteous Halfling
2x 4C306 Hobbit Sword
1x 11C168 Merry, Loyal Companion
1x 10U111 Narrow Escape
1x 7R324 Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver
1x 11R171 Salt from the Shire
2x 1C317 There and Back Again
2x 1R240 Band of the Eye
3x 1R244 Desperate Defense of the Ring
3x 1R246 Enduring Evil
2x 5R96 Eye of Barad-Dûr
1x 3U89 Gleaming in the Snow
3x 8C101 Gorgoroth Stormer
2x 5R100 Grishnákh, Orc Captain
2x 8R103 Grond, Hammer of the Underworld
3x 1C268 Orc Inquisitor
2x 7U302 Orc Officer
1x 5U107 Orc Patrol
2x 3U96 Orc Pillager
1x 8C106 Siege Troop
2x 10U97 The Ring is Mine!
3x 1R279 Thin and Stretched
2x 1U231 Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul
Format: King Standard
Duration: 2023-10-08 - 2023-11-12
Players: 12
Free basic cards: Yes
Place | Player | Score |
1 | Zenden | 15.51 |
2 | Flyingmatthew | 11.55 |
2 | Moro | 11.55 |
2 | Dragonian | 11.51 |
5 | ben ani | 11.49 |
5 | Milo | 11.45 |
7 | majestatny | 9.55 |
8 | Kajetanek | 9.49 |
9 | shadowhunt | 9.47 |
10 | morvael | 9.49 |
11 | Homie | 9.45 |
12 | sperzdechly | 5.49 |
1x 9R+1 The One Ring, The Binding Ring
1x 7U334 Steps of Edoras
1x 7U336 Rohirrim Camp
1x 10U117 Base of Mindolluin
1x 7U341 Anduin Banks
1x 8U119 Crashed Gate
1x 7U351 Minas Tirith Sixth Circle
1x 7U353 Osgiliath Crossing
1x 7U357 Morgul Vale
1x 7U360 Dagorlad
1x 9R+12 Aiglos
3x 3R13 Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad
1x 3R17 Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood
1x 9R+16 Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath
1x 1R50 Legolas, Greenleaf
3x 2R20 Secret Sentinels
2x 1R49 The Last Alliance of Elves and Men
1x 1R66 The Tale of Gil-galad
1x 3R27 Vilya
2x 7R79 Andúril, Flame of the West
4x 1R89 Aragorn, Ranger of the North
1x 1U97 Boromir, Son of Denethor
1x 5C32 Citadel of the Stars
1x 7R87 Derufin
1x 7U88 Dervorin
2x 4C117 Faramir, Son of Denethor
1x 7R112 Noble Leaders
1x 5R39 Stone Tower
1x 1R114 The Saga of Elendil
1x 4C302 Frodo, Tired Traveller
1x 1C311 Sam, Son of Hamfast
1x 5R116 Sting, Baggins Heirloom
1x 10U116 The Tale of the Great Ring
1x 8U94 Gorgoroth Agitator
3x 8R95 Gorgoroth Assassin
4x 7U278 Gorgoroth Soldier
2x 10C87 Gorgoroth Swarm
4x 8C102 Great Hill Troll
4x 7U281 Great Siege-towers
2x 8R103 Grond, Hammer of the Underworld
1x 9R+47 Ithil Stone
2x 8C106 Siege Troop
2x 8U107 Their Marching Companies
2x 7C315 Tower Walkway
3x 8R108 Troll of Gorgoroth, Abomination of Sauron
2x 7R316 Troop Tower
1x 4R1 The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles
1x 7U332 Rohirrim Road
1x 7U336 Rohirrim Camp
1x 7U339 Hall of the Kings
1x 7U343 Pelennor Plain
1x 7U345 Pelennor Flat
1x 7U352 Minas Tirith Third Circle
1x 8U120 Osgiliath Channel
1x 7U359 Northern Ithilien
1x 7U360 Dagorlad
1x 1R33 Bow of the Galadhrim
1x 4R73 Legolas, Dauntless Hunter
1x 3R21 Long-knives of Legolas
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
3x 4P364 Aragorn, Wingfoot
1x 1R90 Aragorn's Bow
2x 1U97 Boromir, Son of Denethor
1x 1C102 Dagger Strike
3x 3R41 Gondor Bowmen
1x 1U112 Ranger's Sword
1x 9R45 Horn of the Mark
1x 7R241 Merry's Armor
1x 1U316 A Talent for Not Being Seen
1x 1C286 Bounder
2x 4R299 Cliffs of Emyn Muil
2x 4R300 Escape
1x 1R289 Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir
2x 1C296 Hobbit Intuition
3x 4C306 Hobbit Sword
1x 1R302 Merry, Friend to Sam
1x 7R324 Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver
3x 1R308 Power According to His Stature
2x 1C317 There and Back Again
2x 5U22 Evil-smelling Fens
4x 10R21 Gollum, Mad Thing
1x 10U22 Reclaim the Precious
4x 10R23 Shelob, Her Ladyship
2x 8C28 Spider Poison
3x 5C30 We Must Have It
3x 8C30 Web
1x 1R125 Greed
4x 1R147 Uruk Guard
4x 2R75 Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow
4x 10R63 Morgul Vanguard
1x 6R85 Sword of Dol Guldur
2x 1R236 Úlairë Toldëa, Messenger of Morgul
1x 4R1 The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles
1x 7U332 Rohirrim Road
1x 7U336 Rohirrim Camp
1x 7U339 Hall of the Kings
1x 7U341 Anduin Banks
1x 7U344 City Gates
1x 7U352 Minas Tirith Third Circle
1x 7U355 Ruined Capitol
1x 7U359 Northern Ithilien
1x 7U360 Dagorlad
1x 9R+12 Aiglos
1x 1R36 Curse Their Foul Feet!
3x 3R13 Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad
1x 9R+17 Knife of the Galadhrim
1x 4R73 Legolas, Dauntless Hunter
2x 2R20 Secret Sentinels
2x 1R62 The Splendor of Their Banners
1x 1R66 The Tale of Gil-galad
1x 3R27 Vilya
4x 1P365 Aragorn, King in Exile
2x 1R90 Aragorn's Bow
4x 3R41 Gondor Bowmen
1x 9R+34 Narsil, Blade of the Faithful
1x 1R114 The Saga of Elendil
1x 1C286 Bounder
1x 4R299 Cliffs of Emyn Muil
1x 4R300 Escape
1x 2C101 Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal
1x 1R289 Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir
1x 1C299 Hobbit Sword
1x 1R302 Merry, Friend to Sam
1x 2R108 O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
1x 7R324 Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver
1x 1C317 There and Back Again
4x 7C53 Captured by the Ring
1x 9R+28 Gollum, Dark as Darkness
2x 9R+47 Ithil Stone
1x 1U258 Morgul Skulker
1x 9R+48 Sauron, The Lord of the Rings
4x 7R188 Morgul Brute
4x 7U190 Morgul Destroyer
4x 7U202 Morgul Whelp
1x 7R204 Out of Sight and Shot
2x 7R221 The Witch-king, Morgul King
3x 7R211 Úlairë Cantëa, Faster Than Winds
2x 1U231 Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul
2x 7R213 Úlairë Lemenya, Assailing Minion
2x 2R84 Úlairë Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight
1x 1R236 Úlairë Toldëa, Messenger of Morgul
1x 4R1 The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles
1x 7U331 Isengard Ruined
1x 7U335 King's Tent
1x 7U339 Hall of the Kings
1x 7U343 Pelennor Plain
1x 7U345 Pelennor Flat
1x 7U351 Minas Tirith Sixth Circle
1x 7U355 Ruined Capitol
1x 7U359 Northern Ithilien
1x 7U363 Slag Mounds
1x 1U70 Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor
1x 3C30 Deep in Thought
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 2R22 Gandalf's Staff
1x 1R75 Glamdring
1x 3R34 Narya
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
1x 4U99 Roll of Thunder
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
2x 1R83 Servant of the Secret Fire
1x 7R50 Terrible and Evil
1x 7R79 Andúril, Flame of the West
1x 1R89 Aragorn, Ranger of the North
1x 9R+31 Boromir, Bearer of Council
1x 4R111 Boromir, My Brother
1x 5C32 Citadel of the Stars
1x 10R28 Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith
1x 9R+32 Elendil, The Tall
1x 4C117 Faramir, Son of Denethor
1x 8R36 Garrison of Gondor
1x 6C52 Garrison of Osgiliath
2x 7C108 Knight's Spear
1x 7U110 Madril, Faramir's Aide
1x 9R+34 Narsil, Blade of the Faithful
2x 7R112 Noble Leaders
1x 6R55 Ring of Barahir
3x 9R35 Sapling of the White Tree
1x 9R36 Scroll of Isildur
4x 7C53 Captured by the Ring
1x 7R57 Fat One Wants It
1x 5R25 Gollum, Stinker
1x 7U60 Heavy Burden
1x 8R103 Grond, Hammer of the Underworld
2x 9R+47 Ithil Stone
4x 1U258 Morgul Skulker
1x 2U87 The Eye of Sauron
2x 10U97 The Ring is Mine!
1x 1R206 Bent on Discovery
2x 8R67 Between Nazgûl and Prey
4x 2U78 It Wants to be Found
1x 3U83 The Ring Draws Them
3x 10R68 Úlairë Enquëa, Thrall of The One
3x 2R84 Úlairë Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight
4x 3U86 Úlairë Otsëa, Ringwraith in Twilight
Format: Hunters Standard
Duration: 2022-11-26 - 2023-01-29
Players: 14
Free basic cards: No
Place | Player | Score |
1 | tOmas | 13.57 |
2 | Dragonian | 13.57 |
3 | Zenden | 13.55 |
4 | TheDast7 | 13.53 |
5 | sperzdechly | 11.51 |
6 | Milo | 11.49 |
6 | stebla | 11.47 |
8 | morvael | 9.51 |
9 | shadowhunt | 9.51 |
10 | Kajetanek | 9.47 |
10 | Homie | 9.45 |
12 | Flyingmatthew | 7.49 |
13 | ben ani | 7.45 |
14 | Moro | 5.43 |
1x 19P1 The One Ring, The Great Ring
1x 11U227 Anduin Banks
1x 18U134 Doorway to Doom
1x 11S249 Neekerbreekers' Bog
1x 18U139 Steward's Tomb
1x 18U136 Mithlond
1x 11U235 Dammed Gate-stream
1x 17U146 Falls of Rauros
1x 15R193 Mount Doom
1x 18U138 Sirannon Ruins
2x 13U28 Alatar, Final Envoy
3x 19P8 Gandalf, Wise Guide
1x 17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
1x 15R30 Leaflock, Finglas
1x 17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
1x 7R44 Moment of Respite
4x 15U32 Momentous Gathering
1x 13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One
1x 18U25 Perspective
1x 15R34 Quickbeam, Hastiest of All Ents
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
2x 17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
2x 15R36 Shepherd of the Trees
4x 13C41 Strange Meeting
1x 13R36 The Palantír of Orthanc, Recovered Seeing Stone
2x 12C34 Traveled Leader
1x 13R42 Traveler's Homestead
1x 10R18 Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood
2x 11U49 One Good Turn Deserves Another
1x 19P11 Sméagol, Pitiable Guide
1x 15U50 Something Slimy
1x 12C40 There's Another Way
1x 10P121 Frodo, Resolute Hobbit
1x 17U107 Merry, In the Bloom of Health
1x 17U109 Pippin, In the Bloom of Health
4x 7C53 Captured by the Ring
2x 9R+28 Gollum, Dark as Darkness
2x 11R43 Horribly Strong
4x 11U67 Archer of Harad
1x 12U58 Countless Companies
1x 11R78 Elevated Fire
4x 13U94 Howdah
3x 15R86 Mûmak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings
2x 11C94 Pavise
2x 15U89 Rapid Reload
4x 12S73 The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor
2x 17C63 Vengeful Wild Man
4x 18R80 Gothmog, Morgul Leader
2x 12U99 Pitiless Orc
1x 11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
1x 11U227 Anduin Banks
1x 11S234 Crags of Emyn Muil
1x 18U134 Doorway to Doom
1x 15U192 Isengard Ruined
1x 18U139 Steward's Tomb
1x 18U136 Mithlond
1x 17U147 Imladris
1x 15R193 Mount Doom
1x 18U138 Sirannon Ruins
1x 13U28 Alatar, Final Envoy
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
1x 17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
1x 13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
1x 17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
1x 7R50 Terrible and Evil
4x 12C34 Traveled Leader
1x 17R27 Andúril, Sword That Was Broken
1x 15R55 Aragorn, Thorongil
1x 15R56 Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow
1x 13R65 Elendil, High-king of Gondor
1x 18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien
1x 7U93 Footman's Armor
1x 8R36 Garrison of Gondor
2x 15U61 Gondorian Prowler
1x 9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
1x 15C62 Ithilien Blade
1x 17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar
1x 7R112 Noble Leaders
1x 9R36 Scroll of Isildur
2x 17U34 Spirit of the White Tree
4x 11R66 Well-traveled
3x 17R38 Saruman, Servant of Sauron
4x 11U67 Archer of Harad
3x 11R78 Elevated Fire
4x 13U94 Howdah
2x 15R86 Mûmak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings
3x 12R74 Mûmak Rider
1x 11C94 Pavise
4x 11R96 Precision Targeting
2x 15U89 Rapid Reload
3x 12S73 The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor
4x 18C77 Whisper in the Dark
2x 18R80 Gothmog, Morgul Leader
1x 11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
1x 11S230 Buckland Homestead
1x 12U185 The Angle
1x 11S266 Woody-End
1x 11S232 Cavern Entrance
1x 12S188 Hill of Sight
1x 11S249 Neekerbreekers' Bog
1x 11S231 Caras Galadhon
1x 13S189 Crossroads of the Fallen Kings
1x 11S260 Trollshaw Forest
1x 13U28 Alatar, Final Envoy
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
1x 17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
1x 13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
1x 17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
2x 7R50 Terrible and Evil
4x 12C34 Traveled Leader
1x 17R27 Andúril, Sword That Was Broken
1x 15R55 Aragorn, Thorongil
1x 15R56 Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow
1x 13R65 Elendil, High-king of Gondor
1x 18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien
1x 7U93 Footman's Armor
1x 8R36 Garrison of Gondor
2x 15U61 Gondorian Prowler
1x 9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
1x 15C62 Ithilien Blade
1x 17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar
1x 9R36 Scroll of Isildur
2x 17U34 Spirit of the White Tree
4x 11R66 Well-traveled
4x 12U161 Black Rider
4x 12R162 Dark Approach
4x 11U212 Lost in the Woods
1x 7R204 Out of Sight and Shot
2x 17R143 Ring of Terror
3x 11R226 The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders
2x 7R211 Úlairë Cantëa, Faster Than Winds
3x 13R182 Úlairë Enquëa, Sixth of the Nine Riders
2x 15R185 Úlairë Lemenya, Eternally Threatening
4x 11S222 Úlairë Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders
2x 19P38 Úlairë Nertëa, Dark Horseman
1x 17R141 Úlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter
3x 12U180 Úlairë Toldëa, Black Shadow
Format: Hunters Standard
Duration: 2021-12-01 - 2022-01-02
Players: 16
Free basic cards: Yes
Place | Player | Score |
1 | Zenden | 13.61 |
2 | Milo | 13.53 |
3 | simon | 13.53 |
4 | Dragonian | 13.51 |
5 | sianek | 11.55 |
6 | sperzdechly | 11.51 |
7 | Moro | 11.45 |
8 | Kajetanek | 9.55 |
9 | Homie | 9.53 |
10 | morvael | 9.51 |
11 | stebla | 9.51 |
11 | Mallonor | 9.47 |
13 | majestatny | 9.45 |
14 | Rox | 9.39 |
15 | Stachura91 | 7.45 |
16 | ben ani | 5.45 |
1x 11R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Rings
1x 11S230 Buckland Homestead
1x 12U185 The Angle
1x 11S266 Woody-End
1x 11S232 Cavern Entrance
1x 12S188 Hill of Sight
1x 11S249 Neekerbreekers' Bog
1x 11S231 Caras Galadhon
1x 13S189 Crossroads of the Fallen Kings
1x 11S260 Trollshaw Forest
1x 13U28 Alatar, Final Envoy
1x 8R15 Gandalf, Leader of Men
1x 17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
1x 17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
1x 13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One
1x 9R+26 Radagast, The Brown
4x 8R20 Saved From the Fire
1x 17R24 Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas
4x 12C34 Traveled Leader
1x 17R27 Andúril, Sword That Was Broken
1x 15R55 Aragorn, Thorongil
1x 15R56 Aragorn's Bow, Ranger's Longbow
1x 13R65 Elendil, High-king of Gondor
1x 18R48 Faramir, Captain of Ithilien
1x 7U93 Footman's Armor
1x 8R36 Garrison of Gondor
2x 15U61 Gondorian Prowler
1x 9R+33 Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms
1x 15C62 Ithilien Blade
1x 17R31 Narsil, Forged by Telchar
1x 9R36 Scroll of Isildur
2x 17U34 Spirit of the White Tree
4x 11R66 Well-traveled
4x 12U161 Black Rider
4x 12R162 Dark Approach
4x 11U212 Lost in the Woods
2x 17R143 Ring of Terror
3x 11R226 The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders
2x 7R211 Úlairë Cantëa, Faster Than Winds
3x 13R182 Úlairë Enquëa, Sixth of the Nine Riders
2x 15R185 Úlairë Lemenya, Eternally Threatening
4x 11S222 Úlairë Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders
1x 19P38 Úlairë Nertëa, Dark Horseman
1x 17R141 Úlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter
3x 12U180 Úlairë Toldëa, Black Shadow
1x 15R1 The One Ring, The Ring of Doom
1x 11U227 Anduin Banks
1x 11S234 Crags of Emyn Muil
1x 18U140 Streets of Bree
1x 18U134 Doorway to Doom
1x 18U139 Steward's Tomb
1x 11S231 Caras Galadhon
1x 17U147 Imladris
1x 15R193 Mount Doom
1x 11S250 North Undeep
1x 7U54 Clever Hobbits
4x 13U53 Naked Waste
4x 7U64 Nasty
4x 7C65 Never
4x 11U49 One Good Turn Deserves Another
1x 11R50 Safe Passage
1x 9R+30 Sméagol, Bearer of Great Secrets
1x 13U56 Softly Up Behind
4x 8U29 Still Far Ahead
4x 12C40 There's Another Way
3x 7U78 Where Shall We Go
1x 12R127 Pippin, Hobbit of Some Intelligence
4x 11U67 Archer of Harad
4x 11R78 Elevated Fire
4x 13U94 Howdah
3x 15R86 Mûmak Commander, Giant Among the Swertings
4x 12R74 Mûmak Rider
1x 11C94 Pavise
4x 11R96 Precision Targeting
2x 15U89 Rapid Reload
3x 12S73 The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor
2x 18R80 Gothmog, Morgul Leader
1x 19P1 The One Ring, The Great Ring
1x 11U227 Anduin Banks
1x 11S232 Cavern Entrance
1x 11S262 Watch-tower of Cirith Ungol
1x 13S191 Fords of Isen
1x 18U136 Mithlond
1x 11U235 Dammed Gate-stream
1x 17U147 Imladris
1x 15R193 Mount Doom
1x 18U138 Sirannon Ruins
1x 15R12 Dínendal, Mirkwood Archer
1x 15U26 Uruviel, Woodland Maid
1x 18C17 Woodhall Elf, Exile
1x 13U28 Alatar, Final Envoy
1x 17R20 Gwaihir, The Windlord
1x 17U22 Meneldor, Misty Mountain Eagle
1x 13R37 Pallando, Far-travelling One
1x 13R46 Déagol, Fateful Finder
1x 7C72 Sméagol, Hurried Guide
1x 15U50 Something Slimy
1x 18C49 Faramir's Company
1x 18R52 Gondorian Servant, Denethor's Handman
1x 12C107 Aldred, Éored Soldier
1x 18R96 Erkenbrand's Horn
1x 11R147 Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg
1x 18R100 Gamling's Horn
4x 15U134 Rohan Stable Master
1x 15R135 Rohan Worker
1x 15U137 Rohirrim Doorwarden
1x 13U144 Daddy Twofoot, Next-door Neighbor
1x 15C144 Frodo, Weary From the Journey
1x 13U150 Frodo Gamgee, Son of Samwise
1x 15R146 Hobbiton Brewer, Maker of Fine Ales
1x 15C147 Hobbiton Farmer, Lover of Pipeweed
1x 7R321 Merry, Swordthain
1x 13U154 New Chapter
1x 18U111 Robin Smallburrow, Shirriff Cock-Robin
1x 13U151 The Gaffer, Master Gardener
4x 11R108 Beastly Olog-hai
3x 12R85 Cave Troll of Moria, Savage Menace
3x 15R112 Mountain-troll
4x 13R117 Ordnance Grunt
4x 11R135 Porter Troll
4x 17R89 Relentless Warg
4x 15R117 Tower Troll
4x 12R105 Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the Beast